Monday 3 March 2008

The T Party

Just in case you weren't invited, a few words on the party hosted Sunday 24th Feb in Paris in a place I seem to remember going to in order to celebrate, bury or cry at the departure of some IHT big-shot.

Terrible not to remember who; I think it was Mike Getler, editor prior to Oreskes-Wells-Ignatious. The then publisher gave him a gift of quite staggering ugliness. But that was then. Now we are in the era of Naked Ambition.

Champagne flowed and the main idea was to get Suzy Menkes to stand in a receiving line so that she could be photographed with as many celebs as possible. These included the likes of Karl-the bloke-from-Chanel and Jarvis Cocker of Blur (is that right?) and lots of other people it would be pointless to list. By the end of the night Suzy was rather tired. But SDJ was there looking very T, so all was well.

If I remember rightly from what I was told, Mr. Oreskes wasn't there.

A person on the inside suggested I gatecrash - I was in Paris - and had quite a canny plan for throwing their invite down from the balcony and then me using their name if their name wasn't checked-off on a guest list on their entry, information that would be deviously communicated by devices known as mobile phones or voice boxes - that is to say shouting to me.

Their name wasn't checked and the plan would have worked very smoothly but I wasn't sure that, after my T letter, I would have been very welcome. So I stayed home and read a book.

Anyway, despite all the champagne and photos, word is that Suzy isn't very keen on T's content.


Might the IHT consider letting the IHT's internationally famous fashion editor actually edit the IHT's own fashion magazine?

Stranger things have happened at sea.

It was interesting to note that Alice Rawsthorn's design column, immediately after the T Naked Ambition Edition and party, turned her attention to how simple design can aid poor farmers in the developing world.


NB Note to editors.

No room I see for this more recent article on the style home page for Alice's article on how design can help 800 million other people in the world who live on less than $1 a day. Instead IHT readers are referred to the following articles by Alice.

Furniture designed by architects: Pricey, impractical and very desirable
Helping the mind to cope with novelty and overload
Easier voting through graphic design

Poverty is very IHT, but apparently not very stylish.

Note to self:
  • silly, student, bitchy tone surfacing the moment I write a post to this blog.
  • must make amends.

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