I don't know who moved first: the IHT with the Business of Green or the NYT with Green Inc.
Either way, I only noticed for the first time a house-advert for Green Inc in the IHT a couple of days ago.
James Kanter's Business of Green Blog (with E. Rosenthal and others) is no more at iht.com; now you go to the NYT's blog Green Inc. (Described on iht.com as the Business of Green's new home on the web, to which you are then directed ) Kanter is the IHT's man at Green Inc.
What is Green Inc? Apart from the beginnings of the end for www.iht.com?
About Green Inc.
How will the pressures of climate change, limited fossil fuel resources and the mainstreaming of "green" consciousness reshape society? Follow the money. From renewable energy policy to carbon markets to dubious eco-advertising, our energy and environment reporters will track the high-stakes pursuit of a greener globe.
How will the pressures of climate change, limited fossil fuel resources and the mainstreaming of "green" consciousness reshape society? Follow the money. From renewable energy policy to carbon markets to dubious eco-advertising, our energy and environment reporters will track the high-stakes pursuit of a greener globe.
Three questions:
a) Increasingly NYT blogs are alternative ways of organising news stories that are run in print or on line - it's not really blogging as I understand it. What do you think they are all about? Is it just a way to allow journalists trained to report facts an opportunity to express opinion? If so, their opinions are tame.
b) Is Green Inc a nice idea for a global audience? It strikes me as very American.
c) The Environment is not exclusively an energy story. Why group them together? And why so little attention to the 'traditional' energy story within Green Inc which seems to largely ignore fossil fuel stories, and focus on renewable energy stories, which is rather missing the point. Are we not going to get into peak oil, pros and cons for example?
To see the meta themes of energy and environment and how to distinguish them, visit A Place in the Auvergne.
International Herald Tribune
New York Times
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