This prompted me just to take a look at their current offers and marketing. This house ad on top right hand corner of their home page.

This adclick takes you through to three offers, off a 2 week free trial automatic renewal offer:
2 Weeks Free(54 weeks in total) with your payment when you purchase
1 year of WSJ.com + the Print Journal
Print Journal
1 year for $89
1 year for $89
WSJ.com +Print Journal
1 year for $99
All looking good. I'm in Europe, the dollar is a peso; I've had a subscription before but I can get round that - marginally alter my name and new address. Old trick.
They nearly had me.
Before I read the small print:
This is a special offer made available only for first time annual subscribers. Thereafter, your subscription will be renewed automatically at the then-current annual rate. You will be notified of any rate changes in advance. Savings percentage based on 52-week newsstand price for The Journal print edition plus the standard 1-year rate for The Online Journal. Offers good for new subscriptions for a limited time only. Newspaper delivery is only available in the contiguous U.S. Sales tax may apply.
Good, simple, clear marketing and a timely moment given the financial crisis to tempt me in with a full sample article (we can argue about pros and cons of automatic renewal offers subject to seeing their conversion data - as a consumer I personally never bite, but as a marketer I know they work).
However, they've forgotton one rather important fact: this offer is on something called the world wide web, their offer is for contiguous U.S only, I live in France and no option to click through to WSJE.
Mr. Murdoch, your subscription marketing people are asleep on the job. In Manhattan-centricitis land.
International Herald Tribune
New York Times
Vacation /Business Trip Furnished Apartment in Paris
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