Saturday 9 August 2008

IHT-TV and Alan Friedman

I was blathering on recently about the IHT and film and TV and wrote about IHT-TV and Alan Freidman, wondering whatever came of it/him/

Further to that post, here's some info from a Think! reader on the subject:

"IHT-TV was a strange beast. I caught it a couple of times in its dying days on the Italian public news channel "Rai News 24". Distribution at its best I seem to recall was very scarce (a few airlines, Indian TV channels...).

Alan Friedman is still pretty big in Italy (so much so, that he is regularly impersonated: His company (co-run with ex-CNNer John Defterios) seems to be more focused on content for News Corp's Italian news channel "Sky News 24" nowadays as well as branded content (fancy infomercials?) for CNBC Europe and other broadcasters. But that's according to their website that doesnt seem to have been updated since 2006 (Fact Based Communications:"

Looks like it is no more then.

Alan, if you're checking in, we'd love to hear what happened.
International Herald Tribune
New York Times

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