Wednesday 25 June 2008

Acceptance, not dominance, for Google News

MOUNTAIN VIEW, California: The death of Tim Russert of NBC News this month quickly became a top story on the biggest U.S. news sites.
The front page of Google News took about an hour to catch up.
Google blamed a technical problem for the delay and said it was not a sign that its news site, whose content is compiled entirely by computer programs, lacks timeliness.
Still, while news organizations worry about what Google is doing to their business, the company is far from achieving the kind of dominant position in news that it has in other areas. Six years after its start, Google News appears to be stuck in neutral and struggling to keep up with rivals.
Several online media experts say Google has done little to change the site in recent years, especially when compared with its other products like Google Maps or Gmail, which get new features at a rapid pace.

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